Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Preparing to Move

My weekend was a bit more eventful than I prefer. I would have posted on it sooner, but the beginning of the week was also too eventful.

Saturday was wonderful. The weather couldn't have been nicer. The kids played in the yard at our new house while I worked in the front flower bed (or lack thereof) and my hubby worked on the play set in the back. I spread 16 bags of mulch. I think I am half done. I saw more rolly-polys than I have since I was twelve and bigger worms than I have seen in my entire life. I also found some things stuffed into the bushes that seemed a little odd. I expected the three years of leaves, but the Tupperware, socks, and ice cream wrappers were surprising. Still, I enjoyed making the yard look nicer and accomplishing something. The contractor STILL hasn't finished the carpet, so we still can't clean the inside of the house.

However, late Saturday life took a turn for the worse and spiraled down from there. First, my husband got sawdust in his eye. I guess it was a little like having a splinter in your eye. Sunday morning instead of going to church, we went to the ER to get him fixed up. Sunday afternoon, I was informed I couldn't put plants out yet, so I just continued to work on weeding and spreading mulch. Out of nowhere, my oldest son (first grade) wanted to know the TRUTH about the Easter Bunny, which resulted in an afternoon of tears.

Monday, I had the worst headache I have ever had in my entire life. I worked in the dark until I couldn't stand and then my sweet, wonderful hubby took care of me while I vomited and writhed in pain all night long. Tuesday he took my to a chiropractor who said my neck was all out of whack and fixed my head.

We are finally back on track. The weather looks nice for most of the week. My husband thinks the play set will be finished today. (If you are wondering why this play set is taking so long, it came in four 200-300 hundred pound boxes. None of the pieces were preattached. The directions have 106 steps, some of which are wrong. About five boards were missing, and we have had more rain this month than in the past seven years.) With any luck, we'll move next week.

I hope everyone is doing well. What spring projects do have? How are they coming?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a Week

I prefer to be positive in my blog. Really, I prefer to be positive in life. But this week has made it difficult to be positive.

We all went to the doctor and got drugs to make us better. We still aren't well. My youngest is coughing and my sinuses aren't clear. At least, we are better than last week. I really hope spring knocks this illness out.

We are trying to put up a play setat our new house. But it keeps raining. Of course, we do need the rain. I hope this means our drought is almost over.

I want to bead and my oldest son needs to finish this school year, but too much of our stuff is packed. I guess it isn't that huge a deal. He is way ahead and we started back in June, but I would like to get back to some routine.

I came downstairs and found our cat playing with a snake yesterday. At least it wasn't dangerous. Still, I'd like it to stay outside.

I am getting entirely too many rejection letters. At least I am submitting.

Finally, we have been waiting four weeks for this silly contractor to install our carpet so we can move. He is finally working on it. I am ready to move. NOW!

I suppose life isn't really too bad, but it has been an annoying week. How is everyone else doing? I hope your week is going well.