Monday, January 31, 2011

Frozen in Time

I prefer to avoid discussing private matters, especially on a blog, but I need to explain my long absence. On March first, 2011, I will be divorced. My supportive, loving husband and I have been separated for close to two years now. At first, it didn't seem real. I knew he would come back home and we could work through our problems. It took close to a year for me to accept the fact that we were getting divorced. I know our marriage wasn't perfect. Looking back, we were terrible for each other. But, we took vows to stay together for a lifetime. I think we both really meant it. The divorce rate is so high these days. I wonder if young couples have the tools to make a marriage work. We just don't seem to know the things our parents and grandparents knew. It is really very sad.
Now that 2010 is over and my marriage will be soon, it is time to get back on the horse and put the pieces of my life back together. I am reading again. I will be writing again. I have three necklaces that have been on bead boards for at least six months. I have promised myself since life must go on, I will too. So, my hiatus is over. I will be working again, blogging again, and before long, telling you about a story I will be having published.